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It was a close one, but 1972 just nipped Once A Runner at the finish line as the best running book that I have ever read.
Thanks for publishing your efforts.
— Kevin Gosney
I just read your book in two days! It was fantastic. My 92-year old Mother had read it the week before and loved it as well.
Congrats on your great successes with sports, work, marriage, kids, etc. You have had quite a ride.
— “Captain” Jim Smith
I’m in Jakarta and received your book via Amazon yesterday. I read it into the early hours this morning. What terrific memories you bring back for me and how similar our upbringings were. My Dad was a Shell oil man in Africa in 50/60/70s and we lived all over the world, and as you, had multiple schools and addresses to remember! I joined the USMC in Oct 1970 and left The Corp in 1980 as a Gunnery Sergeant and moved to Vermont. Tom Wolff hired me in 1990 and I never looked back - loved every aspect of Nike and was lucky to be posted to Indonesia in May 1991 where Woody was my GM.
Thank you for writing your book and bringing back some wonderful memories.
— Paul Griffiths, Retired, Jakarta
Just wanted to send a quick email to say WOW! I had last week off for some R&R with the family down the coast and managed to get a copy of your book via Amazon here in Australia.
Sat down with a beer to relax and started and could not put it down. An amazing story and, wow, what a life. From growing up around the world, to running with UO, mates with Pre, working and setting up sites with Nike globally to contributing to Pre’s movie. An amazing tale and so insightful.
I’ll be passing on my copy to a couple of our Nike leadership team to read as it will be a great gift to accompany Shoe Dog for our new and existing team members.
Congrats on the book, life, and keep living the dream.
— Mike Rowlands, Office & Facilities Manager, Nike Pacific, Australia
I received your book in the mail today and finished it in one afternoon! Well done mate, a great read! I feel very lucky to have experienced Oregon Track in the mid 1970s, a lot of great memories and great people. Randal (Markey) and myself have tickets for Oregon 2022 and things look like Australia will allow overseas travel by the end of the year. So here’s hoping we can make it.
— John Bender, Oregon Track Team, Australia
I just finished reading your book 1972 and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. I could relate to your story in so many ways. First, I'm a military brat, I have lived in Augsburg, Germany, Frankfurt, Germany as a military dependent and in Fulda, Germany during my 6 year stint in the Army.
I graduated in 1972, ran cross country for one year in high school and was only mediocre. But I followed Steve Prefontaine during his college career, never missing a track meet that was shown on Wide World of Sports or any other sports show. I felt his charisma through the TV. Later when I left the Army and went to college, I picked up my running again and became a pretty good local road racer and continued running up until a year and a 1/2 ago when I had to have knee replacement and it just wasn't feasible anymore. I still walk and try to do more challenging workouts on the elliptical and still consider myself a runner.
Anyway, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your book. Steve Prefontaine was my running idol and Nike has always been a company I admired (I read Shoe Dog). Your last chapter about the movie (which I have seen) and the relationships you've developed touched me, as I have had the same reflections lately as I enter the twilight of my life.
I just wanted to say thank you for writing the book, I do feel a connection.
Thank you.
— Ron Sample, Military Brat, Army, Runner, Formerly Germany
I just read your book 1972, 90% of it in 1 sitting. The book was excellent and a most enjoyable read. I started Nike in May 1981 in Saco where you were leading the Production Scheduling team and a followed you to Korea in January 1982 on a 2-week assignment for Leon Roberts and stayed for 4 years. You were my 2nd boss at Nike and I can’t think of a better person to learn the ropes from-there was no manual for how to comport yourself as an expat and work with the Korean factories in a totally different culture and language. You were my manual and I will always remember how patient and calm you were no matter how screwed up things got. You gave good advice and were always able to take complex tasks/things and break them down to help find the right/best solution. I can’t think of a better mentor to work under in my first years in Korea.
My favorite part of the book was the U of O years. Only Steve Bence would have a camera with him as he walks into Dellinger’s office and snaps a photo for the ages of Jim Ryan, Pre and Dellinger. You’re very modest as well as you never talked (to me anyway) about your running prowess/success. I am still a running geek(even though I no longer run) so I loved all the stories about the races, team, Pre et al.
Thanks for taking Ellen’s advice and putting a good part of your life to paper. It’s not an easy task but your humility, honesty, sense of humor and sharp memory make it a memorable read. All the best.
— Tom Wolff, VP Cole Haan & Nike, Retired
I finished your book and you nailed it. I think you captured an essence that makes Nike real. It’s about people, relationships, and respect. Both inside partners, and outside, to the company.
I also enjoyed your stories of U of O and track during an exciting time. Also, kudos to the spirit of HTC and T-Wrecks. I can’t imagine writing a book but you did it!
Much respect. Congratulations!
— Roland Wolfram, Former Nike VP
It's been quite a while since our paths crossed! I saw 1972 for sale on Amazon, ordered a copy last Friday, got it Sunday night, and finished reading it Monday night. After reading the first chapter I knew I needed to reach out and say THANK YOU! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing your story, and Nike's through your eyes. As I was reading it I could hear your voice in my head telling stories and helping coach me on my role, and how best to engage with my Nike Footwear business partners. You and Dave Pearson (met Dave when Jerry Karver signed me up for Shoe School) always made me feel like I was a part of that bigger thing called Nike, not just an IT guy looking in from the outside.
There was a lot in the book that made me think back on my own life. I was an Army brat that moved a lot, lost me dad way to early (he was a sports guy, who would have loved the idea of his son working for Nike) and on my last stop in my career found a home and extended family at Nike.
The last chapter (The Unfinish Line) made me reflect on my time at Nike and reminded me again just how fortunate I have been in my life. My wife Sheri and I just had our own "How in the world did we end up where we are now?" conversation when we returned from our daughters wedding earlier this month. Life has been good. Must be, Synchronicity!
Thanks again for sharing your story, I really enjoyed it.
- Michael Flynn, “Nike IT Guy”, Retired 2014
I just finished your book and enjoyed it immensely. All of it. Working as a Sales Rep in the backyard of Nike for 21 years was the honor of my professional career! The production side of the organization was no doubt what allowed us, in sales, to be as "successful" as we were with the retail community.
Thank you and all my best in wherever your life's journey takes you from here forward! And congrats to Mary and you both for the examples you've obviously made for so many younger Nike employees and your family.
I should add one more thing, let there be no doubt that Sales people know without great product we couldn't have done what we all achieved over the years. I was always very proud to represent Nike on the front lines. It takes a team and each in their own way played big roles from Product, Design, Production, Marketing, and Sales. It takes people, and Nike has the best team in the business.
What an incredible life journey you have had! Loved reading about it all. Very well done, and congratulations on this great accomplishment!
- Dan Mailey, Nike, Retired
Great read, Steve. Only a fellow half miler could tell the story and get it right. I'm 5 years younger than you and ran 400/800/1500 at Illinois during the Virgin years. I sat at the feet of Durkin, Mango, Phillips and LaBadie and tried my best to match their exploits.
Love Oregon, have close friends in Creswell that we visit often. Go Ducks!
Take care and thanks for the memories.